I appreciate the availability of WIN of the Ozarks. As a single parent, who was shocked to be on unemployment for 6 months, I exhausted all my financial resources to maintain basic needs. I was “ineligible” for any support services, except free school lunch for my teen, because 160 a month child support and 320 a week was over income guidelines. It is not that I wanted to be dependent on state services, but I needed help. Mostly I sought out state medical coverage, as I had utilized my resources to pay my own insurance and medication. The bottom line is that you are either eligible for all services, [housing, medical coverage, food stamps and more], or eligible for nothing.

When I secured employment, I was “stuck” when I had to work for 2 weeks and then wait a week for my first paycheck. When all savings and forms of income are exhausted, the 3 weeks, with no other income, directly affected rent being due and other weekly expenses-mostly groceries, gas and utilities. The support from WIN has provided stabilized rent and will align my paychecks to household expenses as they are due. Directly speaking, I will not be any further behind on expense payments than I already am.

Having heard “not eligible” for so long, I was overwhelmed with appreciation for the services of WIN of the Ozarks. This service has met a need in our community that is completely overlooked. I have stated prior to WIN, that I just needed a break. I look forward to being part of future WIN assistance to others, with gratitude.

PJ Hord